It is amazing to me how so few people actually enjoy their jobs. I can't imagine spending 8+ hours of my day hating life, wishing I were somewhere else. Luckily, I have a job I wouldn't trade in for the world. Seriously- I'm thinking about skipping grad school and just being a nanny forever (or at least until I have a family of my own one day).
I have seen so much of God's beauty and love the past couple of weeks at my job. Teaching kids and watching them grow is so amazing to me. In the random I love you's and the wonder of watching a garbage truck make its way down the street, I can see how intricate these little human minds are. We so often underestimate the knowledge and depth of a child's soul. We expect them to follow our schedules and keep up with us, when in actuality, it's the other way around. As adults, we have to bring ourselves down to their level and see life from their point of view.
In essence, I have been able to see the details of God's love and beauty. I feel this child-like faith creeping its way back into my soul. These kids have no question, no doubt in their mind that God is beautiful and wonderful and magical and powerful. They see beauty in the earth, wanting to keep their flowers blooming, the grass growing tall, the bees swarming, and the sky radiating light. They find wonder in tall buildings, dishwashers, and Hello Kitty CD players. They feel magic in music, ballet, and girly, flowy dresses. They discover power in thunderstorms, late-afternoon heat, and trees blowing in the wind.
I thank God every day for the blessing of watching these girls fall in love with Him, and in turn making me fall even more in love with Him.
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